Several rounds of rain through midweek


A stretch of rain and storms is setting up from East Texas to Alabama that could lead to some flooding concerns.

You may have noticed a rather wet stretch of weather is in your forecast if you live in East Texas, North Louisiana, Southern Arkansas, Central Mississippi, and even into Alabama. You have already seen a lot of rain over the last few weeks which has led to saturated ground. That’s why you’re seeing the Flash Flood Watches being hoisted across several southern states.

Rain started developing overnight across Texas and will gradually push eastward throughout the day. The problem is this is just the first round of rain. The big bad culprit behind this whole thing is a stalled cold front which will not go anywhere fast. In fact, it’s likely to stay put across the areas mentioned through at least Wednesday. This front will serve as a focal point for rain, some of which will be heavy at times, to fall over the same areas. Mix in a few storms to add to the heavy rain threat.

The general thinking is that a swath of 3-6” of rain is likely to setup along the I-20 corridor. It’s possible to see locally higher amounts perhaps up to 7+” of rain. The exact placement of the stalled front will determine who sees the most rain. Some areas will see less rain, and others could see a little bit more. Flooding threats tend to be very isolated. One community could see a lot more rainfall than their neighbors. It’s important to keep that in mind when you go through a stretch of rainy weather. We’re not saying you’re 100% going to see flooding where you are, but the chances are certainly greater if you live along I-20.


More rain Tuesday, Storms Wednesday


Quiet on the Storm Front